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Yellow and Orange Wildflower Gallery

Tube Flowers - Miscellaneous

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Slender Yellow Wood-Sorrel, Oxalis dillenii (4)   Slender Yellow Wood-Sorrel, Oxalis dillenii (3)   Slender Yellow Wood-Sorrel, Oxalis dillenii (2)   Slender Yellow Wood-Sorrel, Oxalis dillenii (1)

Oxalidaceae - Wood-sorrel family
Slender Yellow Wood-sorrel Oxalis dillenii
Flower about 3/16"-1/2" wide depending on water. Leaves are like "3-leaf clover" that fold down at dusk. Pod about 1/2" long. Plant grows in shade, 2"-18" tall.
Very similar to Common Wood-sorrel, O. stricta, which is not listed in my area.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, May 2004
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Coleman, Brown, Coke)
See similar Violet Wood-sorrel

Similar Species

Hairy Wood-sorrel (White Wood-sorrel, Radishroot Wood-sorrel) Oxalis albicans
Varied: flower can be pale yellow or dark, or have red center. Flower bud: yellow or pink to red. Stems green or red.
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Brown)

Creeping Wood-sorrel Oxalis corniculata
Ground hugger. 3 leaflets can be round or heart-shaped, green or purple. Roots at leaf nodes. Edible leaves with a lemony taste and rich in Vitamin C.
(Introduced, native of Europe - Taylor, Brown, Nolan)

Fringed Puccoon, Lithospermum incisum (1)   Fringed Puccoon, Lithospermum incisum (3)   Fringed Puccoon, Lithospermum incisum

Boraginaceae - Borage family
Fringed Puccoon Lithospermum incisum
Bright yellow flower is about 1/2" wide with a 1 1/2" long tube. Plant grows to about 12" tall. Long thin strap-like leaves. The roots are used to die wool red.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, March 2005
(Native of Texas - Taylor, etc.)

Redbud, Menodora heterophylla (3)   Redbud, Menodora heterophylla (4)   Redbud, Menodora heterophylla (8)

Oleaceae - Olive family
Redbud Menodora heterophylla
Light yellow flower is about 1" wide with a 1 1/2" long tube can have 5 or 6 petals. Buds are scarlet red. Low growing plant to about 8" tall. Crowded leaves can be entire or deeply cut. Seed pods are like round peas and the top half opens to release the seeds.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, May 2006
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Callahan, Brown, Runnels, Coke)

Similar Species

Showy Menodora Menodora longiflora
2"-3" long narrow yellow tube flower, 5-6 pointed lobes that lay flat. Plant grows to 18" tall.
(Native of Texas - Coke)

Wright's Desert Honeysuckle, Anisacanthus quadrifidus   Wright's Desert Honeysuckle, Anisacanthus quadrifidus (1)   Wright's Desert Honeysuckle, Anisacanthus quadrifidus (2)   Wright's Desert Honeysuckle, Anisacanthus quadrifidus (3)

Acanthaceae - Acanthus family
Wright's Desert Honeysuckle Anisacanthus quadrifidus (Anisacanthus wrightii)
Orange flower about 2" long with four petals arranged one and three. Woody stems grow 3-4 feet long.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, July 2004
(Purchased - Native of Texas, south and far west)

Also see:
Trumpet Vine     5 petal daisy-like

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