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Yellow and Orange Wildflower Gallery

Daisy-like Flowers - Few Petals - 5

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Stickleaf, Mentzelia oligosperma (6)   Stickleaf, Mentzelia oligosperma (5)   Stickleaf, Mentzelia oligosperma (3)   Stickleaf, Mentzelia oligosperma (4)

Loasaceae - Stickleaf family
Stickleaf (Chicken-thief) Mentzelia oligosperma
Note: this is not a daisy.
Flower 1/2"-1" wide is yellow-orange to salmon color. Mounding plant grows to 18" tall. Scalloped, hairy leaves detach and stick to clothing easily. Unlike others of this genus, the flower opens in the morning.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, June & September 2005
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Callahan, Coleman, Brown, Runnels, Coke)
See similar Prairie Stickleaf

Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana   Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana (2)   Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana (5)   Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana (4)   Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana (3)   Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana (6)

Asteraceae (Compositae) - Sunflower family
Texas Yellow Star Lindheimera texana
Flower about 1" wide and the five petals look tacked on. Plant grows 3-4 feet tall.
Photos taken in Coleman County, Texas, May 2004
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, April 2005

(Native of Texas - Taylor, etc.)
See also Lyreleaf Greeneyes

Goathead, Tribulus terrestris   Goathead, Tribulus terrestris (3)   Goathead, Tribulus terrestris (4)   Goathead, Tribulus terrestris (5)   Goathead, Tribulus terrestris (6)

Zygophyllaceae - Creosote-bush family
Goathead (Puncturevine) Tribulus terrestris
Note: this is not a daisy.
Flower about 1/4" wide. Larger fruit about 3/8" wide. Plant is trailing.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, June 2004
(Introduced, native of Eurasia and Africa, invasive - Taylor, Coleman, Brown, Runnels, Coke, Fisher)

The two specimens below are probably similar species. I only photographed the new leaves and have yet to return to the region. Without flowers or upper leaves it is difficult for me to determine species.

zy 15, buttercup, KO (1)

Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family (Crowfoot family)
Common Name **zy 15** Ranunculus sp.
Note: this is not a daisy.
Photos taken in Smith County, Texas, November 2006
(Native of Texas)

zy 16, buttercup, KO

Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family (Crowfoot family)
Common Name **zy 16** Ranunculus sp.
Note: this is not a daisy.
Photos taken in Smith County, Texas, November 2006
(Native of Texas)

Also see:
yellow Flax    Wood-Sorrel     yellow mallow
Pygmy Senna    Two-leaved Senna

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