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Weedy Vines and Briers

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Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (5)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (1)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (4)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (6)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (7)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (10)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (12)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (14)   Saw Greenbrier, Smilex bona-nox (15)

Smilacaceae - Catbrier family
Saw Greenbrier (Catbrier) Smilex bona-nox
Vine will climb to the top of trees. Speckled leaves are about 1 1/2" long but can be 4" long. Stem and leaves have lots of tiny thorns. 1/2" wide flowers hang in 2" wide clusters. Berries are in clusters on stems. Thick tendrils hold very tight. This plant is considered a weed because it strangles thickets and kills trees.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, May 2004, September and November 2004
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Coleman, Brown, Coke)

zv 4   zv 4 (1)   zv 4 (3)   zv 4 (2)

? family
? Common Name **zv 4** Scientific Name
This vine has multiple pared leaves on each "winged" leaf stem with a terminal leaf. The largest leaves are about 1 1/2" wide. I did not see any tendrils. It climbs by wedging its stem into the bark groves. No thorns.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, July 2004
(Native of ?)

Alabama Supplejack, Berchemia scandens, KO   Alabama Supplejack shaped tree, KO

Rhamnaceae - Buckthorn family
Alabama Supplejack (Rattan) Berchemia scandens
Shinny elliptical leaf has prominent parallel veins, 2"-4" long, wavy margin. Green flower is small (no photo). Fruit is 1/4" long oblong, turning dark blue (no photo). Large twining climbing vine can be 7" wide. New twigs are red. Bark is smooth, mottled gray and green.
In the vine photo the small green vines are the Supplejack. In the tree photo, the left tree trunk has been deformed by this vine.
Photos taken in Smith County, Texas, November 2006
(Native of Texas, east to central - Callahan)

See Buckthorn family

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