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Purslane Family

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Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Shaggy Portulaca (Kiss-me-quick, Chisme, Moss-rose) Portulaca pilosa (Portulaca mundula)
This plant's species name has changed from the one mentioned in most guide books.
Flower about 1/2" wide with white hairs beneath. It blooms in bright sun. Round succulent leaves are about 5/8" long with white hairs at base. They turn burgundy when stressed by drought. Sprawling plant, to about 8" wide, grows in limy sand.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, August-September 2005
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Coke, Brown)


Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Common Purslane (Pulsey, Little-hogweed) Portulaca oleracea
Flower is 1/8"-3/8" wide and blooms mornings, spring till frost. The small green seedpod has lots of tiny black seeds. Leaves are succulent, with a blunt apex or silghtly concave center. Leaves are bright green, coo. weather tints edges red. Leaves drop off in drought. Reclined plant branches from base and grows branches about 12" long. Stems are succulent. Taproot. Garden weed, mix of soils.
Studies have shown very high content of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in this plant. Young shoots can be eaten raw or boiled. Seeds can substitute for poppy seeds.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, August & October 2005
(Introduced, possibly from the middle East, it can be found world wide - Taylor, Coke)



? Common Name **zu 1** Scientific Name
Very similar to above Portulaca oleracea except the stems turn crimson red after a cold snap, but the above only blushes. Leaves are also red underneath. I do not know what color the stems were before. Missed the flower. Growing in limy soil.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, October 2005
(Native of ?)

Similar Species

Silkcotton Purslane Portulaca halimoides
Yellow flower, petals oval (not blunt or lobed) and lay flat producing a star. Flowers are in loose terminal clusters. Red sepals can cover petals. Leaves up to 3/4" long, blunt cylinder instead of flat (like Portulaca pilosa), sometimes red. Stems are often red, with woolly nodes.
(Native of Texas, central - not listed in my area)


Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Wing-pod Purslane Portulaca umbraticola
Yellow petals are tipped in red or copper. Erect plant has red stems, with leaves clustered mostly at ends. Long, pointed leaves are not as succulent as Portulaca oleracea. Pod grows inside a clear ring or cup. Variations of this plant have produced solid yellow flowers or shades of pink, red, or purple.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, September 2006
(Native of Texas)


Double petal variations

Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Moss Rose (Rose Moss) Portulaca grandiflora
This is the plant commonly sold in stores. Years of cultivation has made a prolific array of flower colors and shapes.
(Purchased, cultivated, native of Argentina, naturalized in some areas of the USA)


Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Large Flowered Purslane Portulaca x Yubi
Five petal flower is about 1" wide and closes in dim lighting. This is a cultivated variety, possibly a cross between Portulaca oleracea and Portulaca grandiflora. Flowers come in a large variety of colors, most having two tones. Fruit is in a tall cup with a shallow, four sided wing. Leaves are succulent with a pointed apex and prominent central vein. Trailing plant.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, October 2005
(Purchased, cultivated)

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