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Pink and Red Wildflower Gallery
Bilateral Symmetry - Gaura

Onagraceae - Evening-Primrose family
Scarlet Gaura (Scarlet Beeblossom) Gaura coccinea
Flower about 3/4" wide and grow in clusters up the stem. Flowers are white
then turn pink during the day and fade to red. There is usually a
"tail" of unopened flowers at the top. The dainty grass-like plants are 1-2 feet tall.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, April & August 2004
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Callahan, Coleman, Brown)
Plant: Clumping from a branching woody base, 8"-20" tall.
Blooms: April-June
Flower: White petals withering to rose or maroon, about 5/8" long. 4 sepals.
Leaves: 1/4"-2 5/8" long, linear to narrowly elliptic, entire or having coarse teeth.
Fruits: Narrow, about 5/8" long, abruptly constricted to a thick cylindrical stalk. Fruit coved in short hairs.
Onagraceae - Evening-Primrose family
Kisses Gaura suffulta
Often mistaken for Gaura odorata
Each flower about 1/4" long at the end of spikes. Seed pods are about 1/4" long. Reclining limbs are 8"-12" long.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, May 2004, May 2005, May 2006
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Shackelford, Coleman, Brown, Coke)
Plant: Winter annual. Stems erect or with reclined bases, 10"-4 feet tall. Covered in long soft hairs.
Blooms: February-May (June)
Flower: White petals withering to rose, 3/8"-5/8" long. Flower stalk is hairless except for a few long hairs near the base.
Red anthers.
Leaves: entire, toothed, or lobed; up to 3 3/4" long, up to 1" wide.
Fruits: Ellipsoidal (broad near middle), 3/16"-5/16" long. Wings with conspicuous furrows between.
Onagraceae - Evening-Primrose family
? Common Name **zr 6** Scientific name
Each flower about 1" long on 6"-8" spikes. Plant limbs are about 2 feet long.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, April 2004
(Native of ?)
Onagraceae - Evening-Primrose family
? Common Name **zr 7** Scientific name
Flower about 3/4" wide and grow in thick clusters up the stem. These flowers
are pink. The grass-like plants are 3-4 feet tall. There is usually a
"tail" of unopened flowers at the top.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, April 2004
(Native of ?)
Onagraceae - Evening-Primrose family
Velvetweed (Lizardtail, Small Flower Gaura) Gaura mollis
or Oenothera curtiflora (Gaura parviflora)
The official sites disagree on the scientific name for this plant.
The grass-like plants are about 6 feet tall. Each flower about 1/4" wide.;
The flower spike is about/ 12" long. Leaves are up to 1 1/2" long.
Flowers open at night or before dawn.
Photos taken in Taylor County, Texas, June-July 2005
(Native of Texas, Taylor, Coleman, Brown, Coke)
Plant: Stems erect, 4-6 feet tall but can get to 9 feet tall. Covered in soft hair.
Blooms: March-November
Flower: Tiny pink petals about 1/8" long. Flower tube (hypanthium) red. Apex flower stalk, 12" long, has tightly packed, small, buds.
Leaves: entire, lanceolate to oblanceolate, up to 1 1/2" long. Covered in soft hair.
Fruits: about 1/4" long, 4 sided, tapering to both ends.
Hunting Similar Species
Plains Beeblossom (Plains Gaura) Gaura brachycarpa
Similar to Coral Sage except form is a spike instead of a bush. Flower color red, pink, and white.
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Brown)
Plant: 2-3 feet tall. Stems covered in soft hair.
Blooms: March-May (June)
Flower: White flower turns pink. Petals 1/4"-1/2" long, usually 4 but rarely 3. Flower tube (hypanthium) 1/4"-1/2" long. Burgundy anthers, 4 lobed stigma. 4 sepals, 3/8"-5/8" long.
Leaves: 4 1/4" long, linear to narrowly oblanceolate. Covered in soft hair. Margin is wavy with small sharp teeth that do not direct forward.
Fruits: 3-4 angled, 3/16"-3/8" long. Near the base, the fruit has two ear-like lobes that hug the stem (auriculate).
Texas Beeblossom Gaura calcicola
(Native of Texas - Coleman)
Plant: Clumping from a branching woody base, 12"-32" tall. Inconspicuously covered in dense, soft hairs.
Blooms: April-June
Flower: (color?) Petals about 1/4" long. Apex flower stalk has well spaced, small, slender buds.
Leaves: 3/8"-4 5/8" long, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, entire or having small teeth.
Fruits: Narrow, about 1/2" long with slender stalk, up to 3/16" long.
Sweet Gaura (Drummond's Beeblossom) Gaura drummondii
Often mistaken for Gaura odorata
(Native of Texas - Shackelford, Callahan, Brown)
Plant: Spreading aggressively by rhizomes, many stems, 8"-36" tall.
Blooms: April-October
Flower: Pink to red petals (rarely white), 1/4"-1/2" long.
Leaves: Narrowly lanceolate to elliptic, 1/4"-3" long, up to 7/8" wide.
Fruits: Wide, 1/4"-1/2" long. No, or almost no, hair on fruit.
Wavy-leaf Beeblossom (Wavy-leaf Gaura) Gaura sinuata
Often mistaken for Gaura odorata. Mat forming up to 2 feet long
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Shackelford, Coleman, Brown, Runnels, Coke)
Plant: Brittle stems that form mats, spreads by rhizomes. No, or almost no, hair on stems.
Blooms: April-October
Flower: Pink to red petals or white, 1/4"-1/2" long. Inflorescence is a simple or open panicle on a long naked peduncle, up to 8" tall, with a basal whorl of leafy branches. Buds are tight against the stalk and hairy.
Leaves: Linear to narrowly oblanceolate, up to 4 1/4" long, up
to 3/4" wide. Margin is wavy with irregular, sharp teeth
Fruits: Narrow, 1/4"-5/8" long, a little longer then the stem
Prairie Beeblossom Gaura triangulata (Gaura hexandra var. triangulata, Gaura tripetala var. triangulata)
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Jones, Callahan, Coleman)
Plant: Erect and slender 6"-24" tall.
Blooms: March-June
Flower: (color?) Petals about 1/4" long. Flower tube (hypanthium) 1/4" long.
Leaves: 5/8"-3 1/8" long, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate.
Fruits: wide, 3/8" long with no stalk.
Wooly Beeblossom Gaura villosa
(Native of Texas - Taylor, Coke )
Plant: stems fuzzy
Flower: white with yellow anthers
Leaves: fuzzy gray, tightly packed near the base

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